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Fix Next.js routing to have full type-safety

Brandon Bayer

Broken links, incorrectly formatted query strings, and missing route parameters are all easily solvable with a type system like Typescript.

Sadly, most modern routing solutions, including Next.js, don’t include this, leaving us sad and alone on a cold, dark night.

Next.js has limited built-in type safety

Next.js has an opt-in experimental feature for statically typed links. To enable this, turn on experimental.typedRoutes in your next.config.js like so:

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
  experimental: {
    typedRoutes: true,
module.exports = nextConfig

Now Next.js will generate link definitions in .next/types that will override the default type of the hrefprop on the <Link /> component.

import Link from 'next/link'
// No TypeScript errors if href is a valid route
<Link href="/about" />
// TypeScript error
<Link href="/aboot" />

This is a good start, but it has many limitations:

Ideal type-safe routing for Next.js

A fully featured type-safe routing system should support the following:

To achieve both type and runtime validation, we’ll use the excellent Zod library.

Dynamic routes

We want a route definition interface that looks like this:

import {z} from 'zod'

export const OrgParams = z.object({orgId: z.string()})

export const Routes = {
  home: makeRoute(({orgId}) => `/org/${orgId}`, OrgParams)

And that can be used like this:

import Link from 'next/link'
import {Routes} from '../../routes.ts'
<Link href={Routes.home({orgId: 'g4eion3e3'})} />

Static routes

That same interface will work for static routes:

import {z} from 'zod'

export const Routes = {
  about: makeRoute(() => `/about`, z.object({}) /* no params */)

That can be used like this:

import Link from 'next/link'
import {Routes} from '../../routes.ts'
<Link href={Routes.about()} />

Query parameters

And that can be extended for query parameters like so:

import {z} from 'zod'

export const SignupSearchParams = z.object({
  invitationId: z.string().optional().nullable(),

export const Routes = {
    signup: makeRoute(() => "/signup", z.object({}), SignupSearchParams),

And that can be used like this:

import Link from 'next/link'
import {Routes} from '../../routes.ts'
<Link href={Routes.signup({}, {search: {invitationId: '8haf3dx'}})} />


You can read the route parameters from the Routes object too. Fully type-safe and runtime-validated.

import {Routes} from '../../routes.ts'

// type = {orgId: string}
const params = Routes.home.useParams()


You can even read the query parameters from Routes. Fully type-safe and runtime-validated.

import {Routes} from '../../routes.ts'

// type = {invitationId: string}
const searchParams = Routes.signup.useSearchParams()

Page prop types

Routes also provides the page prop types:

import {Routes} from '../../routes.ts'

type HomePageProps = {
  params: typeof Routes.home.params

export default async function HomePage({
  params: {organizationId},
}: HomePageProps) {
  // render stuff

Page prop runtime validation

And Routes  let's you validate the page props

import {Routes} from '../../routes.ts'

type HomePageProps = {
  params: typeof Routes.home.params

export default async function HomePage({params}: HomePageProps) {
   const safeParams = Routes.home.parse(params)

  // render stuff

The makeRoute() utility

Here’s the only utility code you need to accomplish the above.

npm install zod query-string
import {z} from 'zod'
import {useParams as useNextParams, useSearchParams as useNextSearchParams} from "next/navigation"
import queryString from "query-string"

export const OrgParams = z.object({orgId: z.string()})

export const Routes = {
  home: makeRoute(({orgId}) => `/org/${orgId}`, OrgParams)

type RouteBuilder<Params extends z.ZodSchema, Search extends z.ZodSchema> = {
  (p?: z.input<Params>, options?: {search?: z.input<Search>}): string
  parse: (input: z.input<Params>) => z.output<Params>
  useParams: () => z.output<Params>
  useSearchParams: () => z.output<Search>
  params: z.output<Params>

const empty: z.ZodSchema = z.object({})

function makeRoute<Params extends z.ZodSchema, Search extends z.ZodSchema>(
  fn: (p: z.input<Params>) => string,
  paramsSchema: Params = empty as Params,
  search: Search = empty as Search,
): RouteBuilder<Params, Search> {
  const routeBuilder: RouteBuilder<Params, Search> = (params, options) => {
    const baseUrl = fn(params)
    const searchString = options?.search && queryString.stringify(options.search)
    return [baseUrl, searchString ? `?${searchString}` : ""].join("")
 routeBuilder.parse = function parse(args: z.input<Params>): z.output<Params> {
  const res = paramsSchema.safeParse(args)
   if (!res.success) {
     const routeName =
       Object.entries(Routes).find(([, route]) => (route as unknown) === routeBuilder)?.[0] ||
       "(unknown route)"
     throw new Error(`Invalid route params for route ${routeName}: ${res.error.message}`)
   return res.data

 routeBuilder.useParams = function useParams(): z.output<Params> {
   const res = paramsSchema.safeParse(useNextParams())
   if (!res.success) {
     const routeName =
       Object.entries(Routes).find(([, route]) => (route as unknown) === routeBuilder)?.[0] ||
       "(unknown route)"
     throw new Error(`Invalid route params for route ${routeName}: ${res.error.message}`)
   return res.data

 routeBuilder.useSearchParams = function useSearchParams(): z.output<Search> {
   const res = search.safeParse(convertURLSearchParamsToObject(useNextSearchParams()))
   if (!res.success) {
     const routeName =
       Object.entries(Routes).find(([, route]) => (route as unknown) === routeBuilder)?.[0] ||
       "(unknown route)"
     throw new Error(`Invalid search params for route ${routeName}: ${res.error.message}`)
   return res.data

  // set the type
  routeBuilder.params = undefined as z.output<Params>
  // set the runtime getter
  Object.defineProperty(routeBuilder, "params", {
    get() {
      throw new Error(
        "Routes.[route].params is only for type usage, not runtime. Use it like `typeof Routes.[routes].params`",

  return routeBuilder

export function convertURLSearchParamsToObject(
  params: ReadonlyURLSearchParams | null,
): Record<string, string | string[]> {
  if (!params) {
    return {}

  const obj: Record<string, string | string[]> = {}
  for (const [key, value] of params.entries()) {
    if (params.getAll(key).length > 1) {
      obj[key] = params.getAll(key)
    } else {
      obj[key] = value
  return obj

Bonus for number and boolean query strings

Search query parameters are always typed as strings in the browser, so for numbers and booleans you’ll need to use zod's coerce feature like this:

export const LogsSearchParams = z.object({
  logsId: z.coerce.number()
  fullscreen: z.coerce.boolean().default(false),

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