RDS Database

Configuring Database Services with flightcontrol.json

In addition to the Service Configuration attributes that are common to all services, the following attributes are specific to database/RDS services.

Database Service Attributes

The type for all database services is rds, and should be specified like the following:

type: 'rds'

In addition, there are several other attributes that are specific to database services:


engine: string

  • Example: "engine": "postgres"
  • Supported values: "postgres", "mysql", "mariadb"

Apply Changes Immediately

applyChangesImmediately: boolean

  • When set to true, changes to the RDS config will trigger a new deployment with the changes. When set to false, these changes will be applied at the next scheduled maintenance window. Refer to AWS documentation on maintenance windows (opens in a new tab) if needed.
  • The next window for changes to be applied can be seen in the dashboard: Dashboard with maintenance window highlighted

Engine Version and Auto Upgrades

engineVersion: string

  • Example: "engineVersion": "14"
  • Supported values:
    • Postgres: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
    • Mysql: 5.6, 5.7, 8
    • Mariadb: 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6
  • Changing this will initiate a database upgrade. The database will be updated in the next scheduled maintenance window unless you set applyChangesImmediately: true

autoUpgradeMinorVersions: boolean

  • Example: “autoUpgradeMinorVersions": true
  • Optional with default: true

RDS Instance Size

instanceSize: string

  • Example: "instanceSize": "db.t4g.micro"
  • Support values: See the AWS documentation (opens in a new tab)
  • Changing this will initiate a database upgrade. The database will be updated in the next scheduled maintenance window unless you set applyChangesImmediately: true


storage: int

  • Example: "storage": 20
  • Support values: 20-65,536
  • When increasing storage, AWS will automaticaly upgrade it by 20% if you increase the value less than 20
  • Changing this will initiate a database upgrade. The database will be updated in the next scheduled maintenance window unless you set applyChangesImmediately: true

maxStorage: string


private: boolean

  • Example: "private": true
  • Supported values: true | false
  • Incurs an extra ~$30/month AWS cost because of the NAT Gateway
  • Private means the database is not accessible from the internet. Public means it is. However, the database is fully secured when public, but it just allows attackers to try and brute force the secure credentials. Or try to find some vulnerability.

Deletion Protection

deletionProtection: boolean

  • Example: "deletionProtection": true
  • Optional with default: false
  • Enabling this will prevent any user from deleting the database until it is changed
  • It’s recommended to enable this for production databases.