
Flightcontrol Tips

We've collected many of the tips and tricks that we've learned for deploying your applications with Flightcontrol effectively.

Many of these are specific to Flightcontrol or Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a platform, but some are more general and can be applied to any cloud development project.

If you've found a tip you think everyone else should know, drop it in our Discord channel and we'll add it here!

Cloud and AWS Tips

Using Object StorageUse Object Storage (like S3) instead of a local file system for storing files
Using AWS CloudWatch Log GroupsUse CloudWatch Log Groups to tail your application logs

Nixpacks Tips

Speeding up Nixpacks BuildsBy only including some files in the install phase, you can reuse steps in your build process for increased speed and less bandwidth

Deployment Tips

Deploying Puppeteer on AWS FargatePuppeteer requires a few options for running on AWS Fargate (with or without Flightcontrol)