Config with Dashboard

Using the Flightcontrol Dashboard for Configuration

If you don't want to maintain your own file, configure your project using our dashboard.

To get started using our dashboard:

  1. Start a new project with your GitHub account or a public GitHub repo
  2. Connect your AWS account
  3. Configure your deployment on the Prepare for Launch page:
    • Edit project name and select branch to be used
    • Select GUI as Config Type
    • Select your deployment Environment from a fixed list of environment names
    • Optionally choose a framework preset service
    • Add the Services you want
      • Select builder type for each service
      • More about services here
    • Select the AWS account and AWS region you want to use
    • Optionally, edit environment variables
  4. Create project!

Current limitations:

  • You can only set up ONE Environment on creation, but you'll be able to add more once the project has been created.
  • You can't select manual trigger, so by default it will deploy every commit pushed to the selected branch