
Deploying a Vite Site to AWS with Flightcontrol

Vite is a build tool that provides a faster and more efficent development experience for modern web projects. This guide will provide detailed steps on how to deploy your Vite project on Flightcontrol.

At the end of this guide we will have a Vite project deployed on AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) Fargate. This web application will be running on resources within your AWS account, and will have a public accessible URL.


Configuration Options

Flightcontrol provides two options to deploy your web applications:

  1. Create a Flightcontrol project from the Dashboard. Select a repository for the source.
  2. Select the GUI Config Type.
  3. Add a static site service by clicking the Add a Static Site.
  4. Add a build command, vite build, and an output directory, dist.
  5. Add any environment variables your project might need.
  6. Submit the new project form.

Additional resources